Grounding and Bonding For the Radio Amateur – Ward N0AX
Tonight on NARC Live our main event is a presentation on Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur with Ward N0AX. You can watch us
Tonight on NARC Live our main event is a presentation on Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur with Ward N0AX. You can watch us
Tonight there will be a meeting to discuss which HF and VHF contests the club should enter, operating sites etc, so if you are interested
The Aziloop - Dave Evans
Tonight is a social informal meeting. We meet from 1900-2130 in the CNS 6th form common room at the front the school (first building immediately
40m on a Glue-Stick - Nick M0NTV
The Antenna Notebook - Lorna 2E0POI
VHF/UHF in 4 Parts. Part 1 - Anthony K8ZT
VHF/UHF in 4 Parts. Part 2 - Anthony K8ZT
VHF/UHF in 4 Parts. Part 3 Anthony K8ZT
VHF/UHF in 4 Parts. Part 4 Anthony K8ZT