Saying Farewell to Silent Keys…

Michael Andrews M3ILY

Michael was very enthusiastic about radio, but over the last few years has suffered very ill health, often bed bound.

Around 2 years ago Michael contacted NARC as he had decided he wanted to present his FT-1000 transceiver to the club to benefit people just starting or who could not afford a decent transceiver and this is currently loaned to one of our very young amateurs.

Michael’s funeral is at Earlham Cemetery in Norwich on Thursday 13th March at 12.30pm and any radio amateurs will be most welcome to attend.

Paul Cort-Wright G3SEM

As you may have already heard, Paul Cort-wright G3SEM finally lost his health battle and passed away on February 18th. As well as having a lifetime in broadcasting his main hobby was amateur radio. His wife Rita has asked me to say a few words about Paul’s career and amateur radio life after the burial, so if anyone has any stories or anecdotes which you can send to me, or photographs we can share on the large TV display which we are setting up in the church I would be very pleased to receive them:

David G7URP:

Funeral Arrangements for the late Paul Cort-Wright G3SEM

Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 12 noon:

A graveside funeral service will be held at Hingham Town Cemetery, Attleborough Road, Hingham, NR9

Followed by a Celebration of Life at St. Andrews Church, Attleborough Road, Hingham, NR9 4HL 

Please note the Cemetery is not in the churchyard but an approx 10 minute walk away along a good path.

There is very limited parking at the Cemetery or Church, so we advise you to park within Hingham and walk to the cemetery and back to the church.

No flowers by request please

Donations in Pauls’ memory to benefit the Big C (Norfolk’ Cancer Charity) are welcomed in his memory.

Please RSVP to help with catering numbers to me please:

Funeral enquiries to

Ivan Fisher Independent Funeral Home, Hingham: 01953 850330

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