NARC Club and members news…

Members are very welcome to send me news and submit articles for the newsletter and website which can be published here…  Please make sure they are sent in plain formatted black text (ideally Arial or Helvetica 12pt) on a plain background otherwise it may not display well on newsletters or on the website. Thank you, David G7URP (email to:

Pioneers of radio – Martin G7UGB

Martin has told us about some very interesting series of articles from Moonraker on the pioneers of radio which maybe of interest to any members:

Next 145 Alive Event…

Thanks to Neil G4JUV for sending these updates on keeping our very high frequency bands alive:

145 Alive – Saturday April 12th.

The NARC Koblenz sked is in the morning and 145 Alive is from 12:00 till 15:00.

Neil will go out portable for the day unless the weather is really bad.

The map below shows the activity from the January event during the rain and storms. We are a hardy lot!

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