NARC AGM – Wednesday April 2nd 2025

Our Annual General meeting is on Wednesday April 2nd at CNS School in Norwich and all NARC members are encouraged to attend. It is also the Construction competition with items displayed and judged from 1900 before the AGM starts at 20.00.

There are a number of things which members can do in advance of the AGM:

• Nominate all the officers and committee you wish to run your club for the next year

• Propose a charity you would like NARC to support in 2025

• Vote on your favourite talk or presentation from 2024:

• Prepare to bring something radio or electronic you have made to enter our construction competition

All nominations and speaker of the year voting must be done by 23.59 on Wednesday 26th March to give us time to process these before the AGM.

Nominations for officers and committee members to run your club will ideally be made in person with proposers and seconders signing the nominations booklet which is available on the canteen table at all meetings.

Nominations for charity of the year and, if unable to come to a meeting in person, nominations for committee and officers (with proposer and seconder) or any other AGM business may be emailed to David G7URP –

Votes for Speaker of the Year should be done online using this quick and easy to use form:

Any items for the AGM agenda or anything else may sent either to secretary Chris G0DWV: or to chairman David G7URP:

The AGM and Construction competition is an in-person event from 1900-2130 at CNS School on Wednesday April 2nd

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