Rejoin or join NARC for 2025…
We are pleased to confirm that we have managed to continue full NARC membership for 2025 at just £10 per member for the whole year. This is principally because we are fortunate to have more members than we used to and although school hire costs have risen a lot we meet less often at CNS than we used to and there are no costs incurred by the club in producing NARC Live online.
We appreciate the cost of living pressures are still on us all, so we are again taking a leap of faith in keeping our full membership price to the lowest since the 1980’s in the hope and belief that everyone will renew their membership for this very modest outlay for a club which meets weekly and organises many other activities and events for less than 20p per week.
Club Contesters Note that if you are a CC contester please remember you need to be an up to date paid member to enter valid scores into the club championship contests.
So we invite you to renew (or join) NARC now for 2025 and pay us ideally by direct bank transfer (be sure to use your callsign/surname as reference). If you are not a current member please also complete and email the membership form so we have your details.
Young people
For young people under 18 NARC are pleased to give free membership, but they must have a parent or guardian join the club as a member to enable us to meet our insurance and safekeeping liabilities – see reverse of membership form.
The new 2025 membership list will be updated weekly and can be viewed on our website, but if you would like a personal receipt please email the treasurer when you pay and he will send acknowledgement within 5 days.
Ways to pay:
Pay directly to our Bank is preferred please
Bank: HSBC
Name: Norfolk Amateur Radio Club
Sort Code: 402008
Account: 31432222 (this is classed as a business account – some banks ask)
IMPORTANT – please be sure to use your callsign as the reference or if you are not licensed your initial and surname and email the treasurer as below
At a Club meeting at CNS with cash paid at the canteen at the back of the room…
1) If you wish to pay direct using Paypal please pay £11.00 to or use the button below.
Or if you Use Friends and Family option please pay £10.00 be sure to use your callsign as a reference. Example below highlighted with yellow box.
Completed Membership forms for new members please email to or post to
Mark Taylor G0LGJ
c/o NARC
6 Welden Road
NR19 2UB
If you pay via bank transfer please inform the Membership Secretary via an email and give the reference you used in your online transaction as banks do not always pass on references.

Download and print Membership Form 2025