GB2CW Morse Corner 28.02.25

GB2CW Morse Corner 28.02.25

Morse Classes.

These are all going well.
No new students but we wait with anticipation! Don’t forget that not learning CW and using that part of the amateur bands you automatically forfeit over 40% of your allocation!




Following on from the stainless steel key I featured last week, Rik M7GMT sent me a few links which you might find useful – and interesting!
This is the same key I featured last week at a price of £23.76 which is well worth a gamble! These are the features shown on the web site:
roduct sellpoints

High-Precision Bearings: Pure metal in Plus Edition,The Plus Edition boasts pure metal bearings for superior accuracy and smooth operation.

Adjustable Gap: Between paddles,Offers adjustable gap between paddles for precise control in CW Morse code transmission.

Magnetic Base: With 3 neodymium magnets,Features 3 powerful neodymium magnets for easy attachment to iron surfaces, enhancing portability.

Switchable Hand Orientation: Left/Right,Designed with a switchable hand orientation, it's adaptable for both left and right-handed users.

Invented Morse Code|5 Fact About Morse Code|Material: Stainless steel,Crafted from durable stainless steel, this key ensures longevity and resistance to wear.

There’s also a straight key:

Plus, this quite unique combination of a straight key and a paddle for £75.00


The NARC CW Monday Night Net.

This takes place on 3543 at 8 p.m. on Monday evenings. We have a Net controller each week and the idea is to encourage you to take part in conversational Morse. If you can read and send at 23wpm, do come and join us. 23wpm is the speed at present and we may be increasing that as time goes by. The overs are short but protocol is adherred to and just a few comments from each attendee is all that is needed. Give it a try!
Surely there are a few more quite capable of joining the net to try your hand at conversational Morse. I think there are a number of locals who, although capable, use Morse to crack a pile-up with the use of macros and very rarely use a paddle in long QSOs.
There is no need to be shy. Learning conversational Morse is a skill in itself. Anybody can work a DX pile-up by using macros or sending their call and 599 TU. Try holding a conversation for about an hour and see how you get on. If you aspire to CWOPS or FOC it’s the only way you will get in to those clubs, by showing and proving your proficiency with a paddle.
Not only that, but it really is very satisfying to be able to hold a conversation for that long at around 25wpm with minimal mistakes. PLUS of course you can then monitor the CW end of the bands and hear just conversations and not just dits and dahs.


The midnight oil burners have problems because propagation at 0300 is not great! 160, 80 and 40m are the only viable bands that are open. There is not much activity per se on 160, although I regularly work SN5J on 80m and we QSY to 160m for a QSO there. Pity more EU stations don’t take a look there.
Applications for medallions have now closed so if you have applied you have missed the deadline!
Also, don’t forget that the CW OPS activity periods can be used for non-members too for practice. I am aiming in particular at Steve, Marie and Tracey. Your exchange is merely NAME and G for England. You will find that these activity periods are great for copying practice. Don’t be dissuaded by the speed, the other station will QRS if asked!
To join CW OPS you can ask to be nominated but bear in mind that you should be able to conduct a QSO at a minimum speed of 25 wpm, and your nominator will have to provide proof of at least two QSOs at that speed.


General CW Operating.

Hi Roger,
Just a quick correction to your comments about the 2M CW activity.
I said it is every Tuesday evening, not every evening, and the reference I made to Bristol was that it was the furthest QSO I have managed to date. The activity is in fact country wide with some near Europeans being heared when conditions allow.

Kind Regards,

David 2E0JGV

My apologies for getting this wrong!

For those of a nervous disposition, try joining FISTS. FISTS caters for the more casual, laid back operator who does not feel comfortable at more than 23 wpm. They also have a LADDERS competition on 40m which is good practice. Actually for what you pay for membership it really is a great deal with a quarterly magazine too called Keynote. It contains lots of interesting articles.

That’s it, open the cage, play the music.
If you have any input, please email me.

73 de Roger, G3LDI GB2CW Coordinator. May the Morse be with you.

Author Roger Cooke

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