NARC Club and members news…

Members are very welcome to send me (David G7URP) news and submit articles for the newsletter which can be published here…  Please make sure they are sent to me in plain formatted black text (ideally Arial or Helvetica 12pt) on a plain background otherwise it may not show well on newsletters and on the website. Thank you.


For those CW operators looking for extra operating outside the contests, give this a go (or listen)

Supporting the growth of 2m CW operation by taking part as often as possible, in weekly 2m CW activity events (‘Two Metre Tuesdays’). These events take place every Tuesday evening around the 2m centre of activity on 144.050 MHz from 18:00 UTC. Although 144.050 is designated as a centre of activity rather than a calling frequency, it is recommended that stations endeavour to reduce mutual interference on 144.050 MHz by changing frequency several kHz once reliable communication has been established. When activity is low, you may find that listening / calling at the beginning of each hour will increase the likelihood of making a contact. So, if you are short of time on a Tuesday, be sure to listen at about 18:00; 19:00; 20:00 UTC etc It is hoped that, eventually, most counties in the UK will be well-represented so that those new to 2m will know that they can obtain signal reports, and have a natter on 2m CW.

Gaining popularity throughout the country, much like 145 Alive only every Tuesday.

Exchange is usually RST NAME QTH AND LOCATOR plus optional basic chat. 

No pressure just friendly exchanges. 

Just dip in and out as you please.

David – 2EOJGV

145 Alive later this month on January 26th…  Use VHF!

James M0ZAH…

Would you please share with the club:
We’re looking forward to working members and non members on 2M FM and possibly SSB!

Neil G4JUV…

On Sunday January  26th a lot of stations will be active on 2 metres FM, simplex. Noon till 3pm. Many go out portable. There are over 50 nets.

Web links …

The event

A spreadsheet of the locations and details of the net controllers

A map with the locations and details of the net controllers

I believe the net frequencies will be allocated nearer the time.

There are two Norfolk nets, up from zero from the previous 145 event last year.

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