N1MM Makro’s
There is nothing fancy about most of the RTTY macro files that I uploaded, but perhaps a little explanation about them would be helpful.
1. I operate both Run and S&P methods, and define functions keys for both operating modes.
2. I operate ESM (Enter Sends Message), so my macros conform to the default function keys that would be sent when pressing [Enter].
3. I usually work dupes as it is quicker than arguing the toss. so some macros don’t define a macro key as “Worked B4”.
4. I rely upon macro substitution characters as much as possible, so you will see things like: –
{mycall} instead of G3LDI
{SENTRST} instead of 599 – {EXCH} instead of some fixed string
You will notice a file called GENERIC RTTY.MC in the gallery. When operating a new contest, it is easy to open the GERENIC file, modify it as necessary for that particluar contest, then save the macro file with a contest-specific title.
After several years of operating RTTY and CW contests, I developed a large collection of Macro files. To avoid confusion in the N1MM root directory, I created a sub-directory under \N1MM called \Macros. I keep all of my macro files there.
I hope you find this helpful. If you have any queries, give either Malcolm or myself a call on the Contest Net, which is Friday evenings at 2000 local on 145.250.
Download Makro here (Updated 29/1/2015 G0LGJ)
73 de Roger, G3LDI