Thanksgiving service for Mervyn G0HZP

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Mervyn G0HZP

Following a private service of Committal and Commendation there will be a Service of thanksgiving for Mervyn’s life on Monday February 3rd 2025.

I have been asked to say a few words within the service about his amateur radio life and as I did not know Mervyn as well as some would welcome memories and thoughts from other friends and fellow amateurs which I can share. Please send them to me before Saturday 1st February to

The service will start at 11.30 at Sprowston Methodist Church, Cozens Hardy Road, Norwich, NR7 8AD. Refreshments will be served at the church after the service.

We hope to see several radio amateurs at the service – everyone is welcome.

David G7URP

Mervyn G0HZP – Silent key

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