NARC Contest News 174 Friday 17th January 2025

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant

Welcome to week one hundred and seventy four of NARC’s contest news.



The results of the Christmas VHF/UHF championships were released on 11th January. These included tests on all VHF bands up to 432MHz. They were fun to do but conditions were very mixed and turnout was fairly low. Link to results here.

The results of the 1.3GHz UKAC of 19th December were released on 7th January. I was away for this one. The club managed two entries, thanks to Stewart G4AFF and Mike, G4DYC, scoring a total of 785 points. This was the last 1.3GHzHz contest of the 2024 series leaving NARC in 6th place overall. Thanks to all who participated on our behalf this year. Link to results here.

Now all the UKAC results are in for the year we have ended up, as expected, in 4th place out of 58 in the General clubs section. Link to this here.

NARC has run 10th in the 2024 VHF championships out of 84 clubs. Link here.


The results of the RSGB CW AFS of 4th January have just been released. NARC managed 3 teams, Our A team came 4th, B team 7th and our C team 22nd. The A team comprised Stewart G5E (G4AFF), Phil G4LPP, Malcolm, G3PDH and Roger G3LDI. The B team comprised Jim G3YLA, Peter M0RYB/P, Dick G3WRJ and Chris G0TZZ. The C team gained a certificate for being the leading team with 3 members, so well done to them, Mark G0TMT, Ted G4OZG and Alan G8OO. Link to results here.

If people are entering other contests of whose results I am obviously unaware please e-mail me to let me know the outcome and I’ll mention it here.



The 432MHz UKAC took place on Tue 14th January. 149 logs have been received at RSGB. NARC managed 8 entries, top scorer being, once again, Stewart G4AFF. Thanks to all who entered – every contact counts! Conditions were reasonable from here with best DX to EI3KD. Link to claimed score here.

The 50MHz UKAC took place on 9th January. Reporting this week due to an early copy deadline last week for the newsletter. NARC managed 6 entries in this one. Conditions were poor here with nearly every point a struggle, however best DX here was to Jon GM3JTJ helped by an aeroplane! Link here to claimed scores here.

The 70MHz UKAC took place on Thursday 16th January. I was aware of 5 NARC stations being on. The band was a bit noisy but conditions were slightly elevated especially early in the contest. Mike, G4KQY and John, G4PFZ scored 43 and 41 contacts respectively which were possibly PBs. Activity was quite good although continental participation seemed a bit down on usual. Link to claimed scores here.


The RSGB 80m/40m DATA AFS contest took place on Sunday 12th January. Activity was good with a lot of support from overseas stations, 33 of whom have entered logs. 179 logs in all have been received by RSGB. Turnout from NARC members was quite good with 14 entries and some good scores were achieved. These events include both HF and VHF tests and count together towards the cumulative Affiliated Societies award. Link to logs received here.

I’ve not had any reports of other activity although there were several good contests to choose from!

Please let me know if you were on in any other VHF or HF contests and I’ll put a summary in next week’s news.

Upcoming contests in the next 2 weeks (all times in UTC):-


Before each of the 2m and 70cm UKACs there is an FM leg starting 1 hour before for 55 minutes. I hear almost no activity in this from here but others may have more luck! Rules etc on RSGBCC site.

Tue 21st Jan. 2000-2230 1.3GHz UKAC
Tue 28th Jan. 1930-2230 SHF UKAC

Also of interest for some on the vhf / uhf bands are the EU FT8 activity tests – see the following link for more information. These are on the first (144 MHz), second (432MHz) and third (1.3GHz) Wednesdays of each month. 1700-2000 Hrs EU FT8 series website


NB:- Note the RSGB has changed several of the rules for HF contests in 2025 – Link here to changes.

Sat 18th Jan. 1300-1700 RSGB AFS 80m-40m Contests Phone (HF Championship / AFS Super League) – Link to rules here. 
Sat 18th Jan. 0000-2359 Malaysia DX contest SSB – Link to rules here.     
Sat 18th Jan. 1200 to 1159 19th Jan. Hungarian DX contest CW and SSB – Link to rules here. 
Sat 18th Jan. 1200 to 1159 19th Jan. PRO Digi Contest RTTY Link to rules here.     
Sat 18th Jan. 1800 to 0559 19th Jan. North American QSO Party, SSB – Link to rules here.     
Mon 20th Jan. 2000-2200 RSGB FT4 contest – Link to rules here. 
Fri 24th Jan. 2200 for 48h CQ 160 Meter CW contest - Link to rules here.     
Sat 25th Jan. 0600 for 36h REF CW contest - Link to rules here.   
Sat 25th Jan. 1200 for 24h BARTG RTTY Sprint - Link to rules here.  
Sat 25th Jan. 1300 for 24h UBA DX contest SSB - Link to rules here. 
Sat 25th Jan. 1600 to Sun 26th Jan. 2159 Winter Field Day - Link to rules here. 
Sat 25th Jan. 2200 to Sun 26th Jan. 1000 Australia Day Contest CW, Phone and Digital - Link to rules here. 
Mon 27th Jan. 1300-1400 QCX challenge CW Link to rules here. 

See Link to WA7BNM for other contests not mentioned above.

Wednesdays throughout the year, CW ops 1 hour mini tests 13:00, 19:00, Thurs 03:00 and 07:00, exchange Name and G if not a member or CWOPS number if you are a member.
See CWOPS website for more details.
Also on Fridays 2000 to 2100 and Mondays 0000 to 0100 each week CWops runs the K1USN slow speed CW contests. Any speed up to 20wpm is acceptable. For rules see :- CW OPs SST page these contests are open to anyone.

All RSGB contest rules and further details plus log submission at RSGB contest site
Look to WA7BNM’s contest calendar for other contests and links to rules etc at WA7BNM weekly contest calendar
A link to John 2E0TWQ’s site’s Narc contest history page – 2E0TWQ’s NARC contest results page

Contesting can be great fun but I know there’s a reluctance to step into unknown waters. It’s a great way of improving many aspects of our hobby including one’s own performance and the quality of your station. If you have any interest whatsoever please call in to the contest net on Friday evening at 9pm on 145.250MHz FM or speak to any of the regular contesters on 450. Or indeed email me!

Submissions or comments for this news to

73 until next week,

Phil G4LPP

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