NARC Club and members news…

Members are very welcome to send me news and submit articles for the newsletter and website which can be published here…  Please make sure they are sent in plain formatted black text (ideally Arial or Helvetica 12pt) on a plain background otherwise it may not display well on newsletters or on the website. Thank you, David G7URP (email to:

MB7INO relocated…

Gordon G3PXT advises that due to an RF issue the Gateway MB7INO has moved location to Old Catton in North Norwich.  

It is now on 145.2125 Mhz with a CTCSS of 94.8hz

Lots of nets etc on this North West Allstar gateway

A card for us?

Since the pandemic Tammy and I have printed and posted many NARC cards on behalf of club members to cheer people. But today was our turn when we were surprised to receive a card from NARC to wish us a speedy recovery and we are touched and very grateful – now we really do know what it feels like!

Thanks to whoever organised it and to club members – we are nearly fully fit again and will definately be well enough to host NARC Live this coming Wednesday. Thank you!

Scott M0BLH reports from the Congo…

I’ve just been offshore Congo in Africa and the Subsea intervention vessel I am on is working on an existing Oil Well. The vessel uses DGPS to keep it stationary during Subsea operations that are at 1000M deep in the water.

The other night the whole DGPS system failed due to a large solar flare which caused emergency positioning alarms to go off.  Luckily the crew managed to keep the vessel stationary, but it just shows what impact solar flares can have…

Tom G8XQD helps with transistor problems…

This note is related to items passed on for free at the informal social Wednesday night meetings, and as the transistor fault was talked about, I thought this would be of interest to others…

Did Alan Turing develop some of the first AI?…

Donard M0VRK shares this fascinating story from the IEEE of some until recently unknown work by Alan Turing who is probably best known for the Enigma code breaking machine in the second world war. The report details a voice activated device called Delilah which he and his assistant Donald Bayley worked on and have recently been made public with the sale of some papers…

Next 433 and 145 Alive Events…

Thanks to Neil G4JUV for sending these updates on keeping our very high frequency bands alive:

433 Alive – Saturday February 22nd

There is a 433 Alive event on Saturday Feb 22nd. Meet on the calling frequency and QSY. 12:00 until 15:00

145 Alive – Saturday April 12th.

The NARC Koblenz sked is in the morning and 145 Alive is from 12:00 till 15:00.

Neil will go out portable for the day unless the weather is really bad.

The map below shows the activity from the January event during the rain and storms. We are a hardy lot!

 Ian M7VDX needs some help please…

Ian is losing his sight and would like someone to come and help him setup his radios and computers – he lives in Norwich (see QRZ).

He has an FT8900, Kenwood 480SAT, Anytone 779 and uses Windows for data modes etc, but is open to the idea of buying different equipment if they might be easier for him to use with his failing sight. He already has a good array of working antennas.

If you feel you could help Ian get set up to help him with his hobby as his sight is failing please email either Ian direct:

or contact David G7URP or Gordon G3PXT who can assist contact.

Thank you.

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