GB2CW Morse Corner 17.01.25

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Morse Classes.

Repeating the same thing from last week: In order to progress, the Big P word is all important. Without that NO progress will be made. The tutor can tell if the student has done any Practice so stick with it and you will progress.
If you are considering learning Morse ( CW ) PLEASE join the beginner’s class. You will find it very difficult to make any progress without doing so. I have heard it said that ” I have listened to Morse, but nothing seems to sink in”. Of course it won’t. It is much like saying I listened to a good pianist on the radio but nothing sinks in!
It does not happen by miracle or hypnotism. It is the hard work that YOU as a student in YOUR time and nothing more that will produce results. You do need a tutor to report to each week in order for him to judge your progress and correct any errors you may incur along the way.
I felt it necessary to repeat this again because some people seem to think that just listening to Morse will enable them to copy it. It won’t! Constant Practice is the only thing that will solve that puzzle!

There is still time for new beginners to join my class on Friday evenings. No need to worry even if you haven’t started yet. Please call in on GB3NB at 7.30 p.m. and I will be pleased to see you. Providing you do the necessary practice you can soon catch up.


The Begali Intrepid. This is a high quality key with a high quality price. If you are feeling affluent enough to purchase one of these you will have to part with about £550.00 I have not used one myself but there is a video from Pete G0PNM which you might be interested to view:

It is however a BUG key and not a bug. It seems a huge amount of dosh to give for a BUG key, so think very carefully! Bug keys are not easy to use and I would not suggest using one myself!

The NARC CW Monday Night Net.


This now takes place on 3543 at 8 p.m. on Monday evenings. We have a Net controller each week and the idea is to encourage you to conversational Morse. If you can read and send at 23wpm, do come and join us. 23wpm is the speed at present and we may be increasing that as time goes by. The overs are short but protocol is adherred to and just a few comments from each attendee is all that is needed. Give it a try!

There is no need to be shy. Learning conversational Morse is a skill in itself. Anybody can work a DX pile-up by using macros or sending their call and 599 TU. Try holding a conversation for about an hour and see how you get on. If you aspire to CWOPS or FOC it’s the only way you will get in to those clubs, by showing and proving your proficiency with a paddle.
Not only that, but it really is very satisfying to be able to hold a conversation for that long at around 25wpm with minimal mistakes. PLUS of course you can then monitor the CW end of the bands and hear just conversations and not just dits and dahs.


Propagation was rough again this week and the 3 a.m. session saw myself and Mike trying a run-through to make the necessary 10 QSOs. Luckily we made it!

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